Gateway Page

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3 servers in 1 place !!! THE NEWEST BLIZZLIKE SERVER with NEW CONTENT is NOW LAUNCHED, YOU WILL HAVE NEW FANTASTIC GAMING EXPERIENCES!!!! IT IS A QUALITY SERVER UTILIZING TALENTED DEVELOPERS and RESOURCES to ENSURE THE BEST FUN EXPERIENCE AROUND. OUR TEAM IS A DEDICATED TEAM THAT PROFESSIONALLY CREATES and MAINTAIN EVERYDAY FEATURES FOR THE PLAYERS. AS YOU PROBABLY WELL KNOW, OUR GAME IS REGULARLY UPDATED AND IMPROVED TO ENSURE YOU HAVE THE GREATEST FUN OF THE GAME. REGISTER TODAY and ENJOY PLAYING WITH US! Nathria Realm Instant 80 Tier 1 to Tier 18 High rate server 1vs1 Arena Cross faction Battleground Auction House bot Instance and Dungeon Auto Balance to number of players in group(solo content) Cata, MoP, WoD and Legion content Antifarming Duel Reset Phased Duels Emblems Transfer (frost, triump, conquest) Guild Zone Instance Reset option Mall Teleport Buffer NPC Enchanter NPC Gambler NPC PvP Titles Starter Guild Transmog NPC Weapon Visual NPC Revendreth - Blizzlike server Instance and Dungeon Auto Balance (solo content) Auction House bot Ardenweald - High rate server Solo Content!!! 1vs1 Arena Cross faction Battleground Auction House bot Instance and Dungeon Auto Balance (solo content) Legendary drop rate x2 Epic drop rate x3 Rare drop rate x4 Xp kill rate x7 Quest rate x7 Xp Pet rate x7 Money Drop Rate x7